Wednesday, July 23, 2008

POst # 6

The majority of MNCs come from more economically developed countries such as the US and UK. Multinational corporations invest in other MEDCs - the US car company Ford, for example, makes large numbers of cars in the UK. But MNCs also invest in less economically developed countries - for example the British DIY store B&Q now has stores in China.
Factors attracting MNCs to a country may include:
cheap raw materials
cheap labour supply
good transport
access to market, where the goods are sold
friendly government policies

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Blog post #5

Question:As a future manager. what is your computer ethics program,justify needed..

Answer;As a manager, i would like to have computer ethics program for the disable person who did not went into the office instead go to office to work..

Blog post #4

For me I want to implement a comfortable study area of the genuios student to relate of her subject.......

blog post #3

Justify or contradict these trends by citing example..

MIS users are more knowledge than the other information users..

blogspot #2

How can the mngr & employees make use of information as a stratical competetive advantages over their competitors. The manager & employees make a unique style of information to the other competitors.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

What is MIS

MIS (management information systems) is a general term for the computer systems in an enterprise that provide information about its business operations. It's also used to refer to the people who manage these systems. Typically, in a large corporation, "MIS" or the "MIS department" refers to a central or centrally-coordinated system of computer expertise and management, often including mainframe systems but also including by extension the corporation's entire network of computer resources.